
Children’s (Paediatric) Abdominal Ultrasound

What are the prerequisites for having a paediatric abdominal ultrasound done? Ultrasound examinations are particularly useful in the investigation of abdominal pain and abdominal masses in children. Although additional imaging may be required, the ultrasound examination will usually identify whether a mass is real or clinically significant or not. Ultrasound is now the modality of... View Article

Children’s (Paediatric) Barium Meal

What are the generally accepted indications for a paediatric barium meal? The main indication for referring a child for paediatric barium meal is to investigate upper abdominal pain or vomiting, especially when there is bile-stained vomiting that raises the possibility of duodenal obstruction. Less common indications are duodenal malrotation and gastric hernias. If the symptoms... View Article

Children’s (Paediatric) Hip Ultrasound for DDH

What are the generally accepted indications for paediatric hip ultrasound for DDH? The primary indication for hip ultrasound is the detection of hip laxity or ‘clicky hips’ in infants, usually around the time of the 6 week check-up after delivery. Asymmetry of the thigh skin folds can be seen in DDH and is a further... View Article

Children’s (Paediatric) Micturating Cysto-urethrogram

What are the prerequisites for having a micturating cysto-urethrogram done? MCUs are performed in children with abnormal renal ultrasound studies suspicious of vesico-ureteric reflux or with recurrent proven urinary tract infections (UTIs). Children over twelve months of age without abnormal ultrasound findings are generally not investigated by MCU unless they have been reviewed by an... View Article

Children’s (Paediatric) Renal Ultrasound

What are the prerequisites for having a paediatric renal ultrasound done? Renal ultrasound examination is the initial imaging investigation of choice for urinary tract symptoms. Children with an uncomplicated urinary tract infection will usually not need further investigation if the ultrasound study is normal. Author: Dr Timothy Cain* What are the prerequisites for having a... View Article

Children’s (Paediatric) X-ray Examination

What are the prerequisites for having a paediatric X-ray examination done? All X-ray examinations involve exposure to ionising radiation and therefore have a theoretical risk of harm to the patient. In view of this, there must be a clear potential benefit to the patient to have the X-ray. The amount of radiation involved in a... View Article

Page last modified on 16/3/2018.