Image Guided Liver Biopsy
What is an image guided liver biopsy? Image guided liver biopsy is a procedure where liver cells are obtained by…
Read moreRadiation oncology uses radiation (radiation therapy) to treat cancer and other non-malignant diseases. It is a safe and effective treatment for many cancers, with radiation therapy involved in the successful treatment of 40% of all patients cured of cancer worldwide.
Radiation therapy can be applied to cancers anywhere in the body. It kills or damages cancer cells, preventing them growing, multiplying and spreading. Cancerous cells are more susceptible than healthy cells to the effects of radiation.
Several types of high energy radiation are used in treatment, including:
● High energy X-rays
● Electron beams
● Gamma rays.
Targeting Cancer ( is a reliable source of information about radiation oncology and radiation therapy.
Page last modified on 23/9/2016.
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