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Filters: "Treatments",
Results : 79

Carotid Stenting

What is carotid stenting? Carotid stenting is when a small, expandable, thin wire device (called a stent) is placed into one of the main arteries that carries blood to the front part of the brain (carotid artery), as it has become partially blocked with abnormal thickening of the artery wall called ‘plaque’. If the supply of blood to the brain...

Biliary Drainage

What is a biliary drainage? Biliary drainage is the insertion of a tube into the bile duct. This is most commonly carried out when the bile ducts are blocked.The bile ducts normally allow bile (a green-brown fluid that is produced by the liver to help with the digestion of fats) to drain from the liver to the small intestine. When...

Bursal Injection

What is a bursal injection? A bursa is a soft tissue space between two structures, such as bone, muscle, tendon and skin, which allows the structures to slide over one another. Soft tissue, such as muscle, fat and skin, connects and surrounds the bones and internal organs of the body. The most commonly injected bursas are around the shoulder (subacromial...

Interventional Neuroradiology (INR)

Interventional neuroradiology is a subspecialty of clinical radiology which involves using medical imaging tests in diagnosing and treating diseases of the central nervous system, head, neck and spine. Interventional neuroradiologists use cutting edge imaging and guidance techniques to guide catheters (very fine plastic tubes) and other tiny instruments around…

Health professional information

Emergency Radiology

Emergency radiology is a subspecialty of diagnostic radiology. Emergency diagnostic radiologists are an integral part of a hospital’s emergency team and are directly involved in helping diagnose trauma patients.   Emergency radiologists use a range of imaging techniques to diagnose: Body trauma Heart and lung (thoracic) trauma and conditions Injuries…

Health professional information

Angioplasty and Stent Insertion

What is an angioplasty and stent insertion? Angioplasty and stent insertion is used to treat narrowing in an artery. Angioplasty uses a small, sausage-shaped balloon to stretch the artery open and improve blood flow. The stent is a small, metal cylinder that acts like a small scaffold to hold the artery permanently open. Angioplasty is the name of the procedure...